Host GT: Garage Talk

Cory Fourniquet


Cory’s love of cars came at a time of great change in his young life. At the age of 9 his family moved 200+ miles away from the only home he knew. During the first few months of life in a new town, a certain green pony car caught his eye and just begged the question that had to be answered, “what kind of car is that?!?”The answer led to much research in the pre-internet world.

Flash forward 16 years and that kid finally had his dream car, an anniversary edition no less. While that car may be gone from his life, the passion it created and stirred certainly did not. After working years in the retail industry, it became apparent it was time for something new, something that brought that passion back to life.

Now as a member of the Texas Auto Writers Association and published author for Vehicle History, Cory looks to share his passion for vehicles through as many avenues as possible.

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