Cosmic Angel 555

New Moon In Pisces ♓ 8-15th Of March 2021

todayMarch 7, 2021 1

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    New Moon In Pisces ♓ 8-15th Of March 2021 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back beautiful souls. This week we have a New Moon In Pisces ♓ on the 13th.

This will be bringing in a amazing unconditional loving energy, also intuition and creativity coming in strong. Relationships also coming up under this New Moon.

You know I’m all about our relationship with ourself first and formost, then we can let our self love overspill in to other relationships and areas of our life.

But on the run up to this new moon on the 10th we also have the annual alignment with Neptune and the sun. Neptune is also linked to the water signs. It can guide us in to our own inner wisdom and creativity. But it can also bring revelations of truth and some foggy energy.

If you are feeling a little foggy this is Neptune asking us to go within as we hold all the answers to our questions.

All in all lovely energy this week. More in the introduction.


Cosmic Angel 555

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