Cosmic Angel 555

Cosmic Guidance 21-27th Sep 2020

todaySeptember 20, 2020 1

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    Cosmic Guidance 21-27th Sep 2020 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back beautiful souls. What a amazing shift in frequencies last week, this will be continuing this week also.

This week is all about bringing fun and joy into your everyday life, we have some alignments linking in with this energy. When you step into joy and what lights you up you are not only healing yourself but also Gaia.

Most of these alignments are happening around The Equinox on the 22nd bringing us equal hours of the day and night but also amazing opportunities. Backing that energy up we are moving into Libra Season at the sake time. Libra season is bringing in balance of your thoughts and metal & emotional bodies. The veil is quite thin around this time making it so easy to tap into other dimensions, guides, ancestors ext.

Coming near the end of the week we have Mars and Saturn Square this is 2 of 3 we are navigating this may put us in a push or pull energy.

More in the introduction.
Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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