Cosmic Angel 555

The Pleiadian High Council Of 9 ( You Don’t have to carry it all)

todayJune 7, 2020 1

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    The Pleiadian High Council Of 9 ( You Don't have to carry it all) #HeliumRadio

Hello again Dear ones, we are delighted and excited as ever to connect with you once again.

We have been watching what is going on there on your planet Earth, and we wish for you dear ones to tune into your heart center for this is the highest vibration of all. Yes we know it is part of your soul mission and part of the ascension of humanity and the Earth, to speak your truth, remove the masks and step into a more authentic way of being. But we are here today through this channel to gently remind you dear ones that you do not have to hold it all. You do not have to try and fix everything.

Part of Gaias energy is that of experiences of experiments of different reailtys and experiences. We see lately that a lot of you beautiful light beings are taking on too much of what is not your to carry. Yes you are all one simply experiencing different outcomes, possibilities, choices and decisions, so therefore this is part of the reason why you feel that pull to help.

But we are asking you dear ones to help yourself, for when you heal yourself others heal, as does Gaia. We know that this is hard at this time as you all feel this call as lightworkers as starseeds to fulfill your soul mission, to be a beacon of light in these times where we would say things maybe don’t looks so light.

But again Dear ones this is just a illusion. The light is Brighter than it has ever been before, on the Earth. We are congratulationing all off you on the work that you have and are doing. With the energies that are going on now from the full moon Lunar Eclipse in sag, so many planets in retrograde, we are asking you to go inward, to take this precious time to focus your energy.

To ground in Gaia, to step into the heart center. There are many awakening at this time dear ones and it is a exciting time, we are guiding you to go inwards so you can come out. Help be the way showers to the souls that are newly awakening to their true essence and being.

(Channel asked for some clarification)

We are not saying to disconnect from what is going on in the earth at this time. We understand the need for physicality, this is why you chose to Incarnate on the Earth plane. We do encourage you dear ones to keep speaking your truth, to keep connecting with your heart center, for it is their you relize there is no separation only oneness.

The clarification on our transmission that Hazel wanted was to remind you dear ones to not stay in the shadows for to long. To not stay in the lower vibrations, although we want to underline how important it is for you to face the darkness that is not only in the world, but also the parts that are in you.

So we would say dear ones to be gentle with your mind, with your body and with your soul. Please do not stay in the shadows long.

We love you

Cosmic Angel 555

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