Cosmic Angel 555

The Pleiadian High Council Of 9

todayMay 11, 2020 5

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    The Pleiadian High Council Of 9 #HeliumRadio

Hello again dear ones
We are The Pleiadian Council Of 9
We are delighted to connect with you again through this channel.

We have many things we would like to congratulate you on dear ones. You have all being doing so much inner work, such as upgrading your thought process systems, realigning your vibrational frequency to that of a 5th dimensional level.

You see the 5th dimension is a frequency, Yesssss a very high one at that. We understand some of you may think that the 5th dimension is another reailty and in many ways it is, but we feel there is a lot of misinformation on this related to the ascension process. We know some of you feel that people that are close to you may not ascend to the “5th” dimension, and this is causing some unnecessary fears around this matter.

So dear ones we are here to explain this as to disseminate unnecessary fears. You see the 5th dimension is a higher state of mind, higher state of awareness & awakening, you are always awakening more and more each day to who you really are, how you are connected to source, how this energy is intertwined with every living being on this planet. So therefore you are infinite in your awareness, in your expansion. The only limits are the ones your mind is capable of creating.

Because you are creators dear ones, creators of the new world, the new golden age. Please put aside all worries about others ascending and stay in your heart center, stay in the present moment for this is where you are creating from. Not the past not the future, the present as the present is the past and future blended in to a vibration of oneness and gratitude.

We are The Pleiadian Council Of 9
We love youuuuuuuuuu

Cosmic Angel 555

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