Cosmic Angel 555

The Pleiadian Council Of 9 Transcribed & Channeled By Hazel Halite

todayMay 8, 2020 2

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    The Pleiadian Council Of 9 Transcribed & Channeled By Hazel Halite #HeliumRadio

Hello dear ones we are the Pleiadian Council of 9. We are delighted to connect with you through this channel she has been trying to open up to this frequency for quite some time, but we belive everything happens at the right time for your own individual journey on your ascension to that of a higher vibrational frequency.

We are here dear ones indeed we are, assiting you and the Earth with the timeline shift that is happening at the moment. We are doing this in many ways bringing these high vibrational cosmic frequencies, light codes into this dimension, this is igniting & activating your unique light codes and dna. ohhhhhhh it is exiting dear ones and also a extremely pivotal time in humanity as it awakens to it true calling. We know that a lot of you on earth are fond of the masks the personas you show to others. But no longer are the masks needed dear ones and in this you will find libiration of the soul and step truly in to your heart center of divine love & harmony.

We know it is not always easy, this is why we are here and encourage you to reach out, reach out with the light of your heart, the light of your soul beammmm this light of unconditional pure love. It is a bright beam to our ships our planets to send in the beings that can most assist you and others like you in creating your 5th dimensional reailty, frequency and Divine Blue print.

We are the pleiadian Council of 9
We love you very much dear ones
Till next timeeeeeeeeeeeee

Cosmic Angel 555

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