Cosmic Angel 555

Light Language Transmission

todayAugust 24, 2019 5

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    Light Language Transmission #HeliumRadio

Hey beautiful souls
For many weeks now I have been channeling light language. My ego was roaring when I decided to record a transmission I was drawn to share. But I decided to share as it is so Healing.

This transmission is a clearing and balancing of our chakra system & also reclaiming our power.

If you are new to light language this may seem a bit weird or crazy at first. I remember when I first heard it it resonated with my soul so much.

Light language is a cosmic channel of sound in frequency. So you tune into be the channel for the frequency & then translate through words which are essentially sounds, which is vibration messages. A lot of us can feel blocked from accessing light language, this is most likely because you spoke it in a previous timeline and used it for healing or to communicate with your star family and it wasn’t acceptable or you could of suffered some pain regards of it.

Just observe how your body feels when downloading this transmission. Because light codes are channeled cosmically & they contain certain frequencies when being expressed , they also contain information and healing. So they contain energetic frequencies that can unlock information within you, or even bring revelations to the surface or bring into harmony things that are misaligned within you.

Please make sure you are in a quiet space and will not be disturbed while listening to this transmission. Give your body and energy field time to let the frequencies soak in.

Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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