Cosmic Angel 555

Angel Guidance 24th-30th June 2019

todayJune 24, 2019 1

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    Angel Guidance 24th-30th June 2019 #HeliumRadio

Angel Guidance 24th-30th June 2019

So last week was a action packed energy week with the Solstice gateway.

As with any major energy shift these frequency’s will be felt through out this week. We are in bodying new energy, new patterns, so on. This will take a little bit to settle down.

We are also preparing on a energetic level for the eclipse season. We have our first eclipse on the 2nd of July 2019.

Eclipses are considered a threshold which marks the beginning or end of a situation.

The frequency felt this week will push and guide us to eclipse season. Neptune is also in retrograde which brings reflection.

So this week embodying and releasing old energy, sitting in the stillness of of our inner being to hear our thoughts and feelings for our next steps

Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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