Cosmic Angel 555

Angel Guidance 8th-15th April 2019

todayApril 8, 2019 6

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    Angel Guidance 8th-15th April 2019 #HeliumRadio

Angel Guidance 8th-15th 2019. Old patterns, habits, relationships, childhood trauma ect resurfacing this week for healing and transmutation. Healing on a deep inner level and deep insights of clarity. Seeing on a profound level how far you have come all the work you have done and how whatever is resurfacing for healing and transmutation is no longer in alignment with the new you or new chapter. Congratulating yourself on all the work you have put in. We know it’s not easy. But the rewards for living life in your true authentic light are infinite. Planting the last of our seeds we want to grow and manifest for our next chapter. Sacral chakra in flow this week as we harness the frequency’s of our creativity, sensuality and expression. New opportunities arising this week that are essential to your soul mission, growth and next chapter. Some plans may be stalled this week. Take this time to review, reflect and retune your next steps. Patience, observation, stillness coming up this week. Also soul tribe and karmic Relationships resurfacing this week. Busy action packed week. Remember to stay grounded and recharge when possible. Love & Light Namaste

Cosmic Angel 555

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