Barbarian Noetics Podcast

Crafting Sobriety from the Chaos of Alcoholism, Part One

todaySeptember 19, 2020 9

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    Crafting Sobriety from the Chaos of Alcoholism, Part One #HeliumRadio

What’s up to my Amethystine Cormorants and Silver-scaled Riptide Gliders! (Amethyst is the gemstone of sobriety, for those striving to make contextual motif hay with that imagery. I don’t know what a riptide glider is, truth be told. It just sounded right in my domepiece.)

Welcome back Beloved Barbarians to another episode of the BNP! This is an ep I’ve been wanting to do for a minute and frankly putting off. Not that I didn’t want to put it together, I think I have just been subconsciously afraid to. Afraid no more! Not only is it done, it is in fact only Part One. 

This will have to be a 2 part series in order to give the topic the attention and thoughtfulness it deserves. Some kinds of reflection require the petal unfurling and stem elongations of time so as not be picked too soon, like still-green bananas in the verdant jungle of the mind. But Lo! The soursop is ready, guv’ner! Yet the bananas require a few more days, and forget about the breadfruit just yet. The lilikoi are going off tho. 

So. What topic is this that requires such mulling over? It’s a big one: alcoholism and sobriety. To be more specific, the horrors of alcoholism and the Octagon style daily brawl within the self that’s required of sustained sobriety from the cursed fire water. Wretched Imp of the underground libidinous nether land. Yar, tis’ a worthy foe, my friends. Tis a worthy foe indeed.

Big heartfelt thank you to friend of the show Marta Orozco for calling in and helping me with this admittedly daunting task. Part 1 of this alcohol sobriety series ends with Part 1 of a chat with Marta, a dear friend who walks the same path of sobriety, and who has her own lingering scars from getting lost in the kaleidoscopic shards of the bottle.

Big heartfelt thank you’s to you all for listening and supporting the pod. Big ups and deep mahalo nui to my Patreon patrons. I couldn’t do this without you. If you would like to be another rock pillar to the BNP, you may achieve this noble aim by navigating your browser to

Please keep sharing the word and telling friends about the BNP! Your propaganda is working- thank you!

Don’t forget to rate, review, subscribe and set the BNP to automatic download– it’s a huge help. 

Captain Kitteh asks: can haz haiku? Shoot me a syllabic 5-7-5 at [email protected]

Until next time, 

Be good to yourselves, be good to each other, and pray for rain in California. 

RIP to a great light in our civil society: Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, the Notorious RBG. You’ll be missed more than you know. Nobody will be able to replace you. We will need another champion to stand up.

One Love,



Dykotomi – Corvid Cru

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Barbarian Noetics Podcast

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