Quantum Revenue Expansion

28: Becoming Intentional With Your Sales Pitch with Shawndel Spader

todayAugust 28, 2017

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    28: Becoming Intentional With Your Sales Pitch with Shawndel Spader #HeliumRadio

Today’s guest is Shawndel Spader. Her business has really grown a lot over the past couple of years, so I’m really excited to dig in and hear what she’s done to grow it and also how she’s managed to blast through some of the limiting beliefs that might have got in her way.   Shawndel is the powerhouse behind Spader Group LLC, a virtual Bookkeeping and Office Management Company. She has a degree in Business Management and Accounting from Rasmusson Business College and over nineteen years of experience in managing business finances. Shawndel greets each client with a smile and energetic initiative to develop a plan for them to accomplish their goals.      In the few years before Shawndel launched The Spader Group, she was doing Daycare.  She really wanted to go back to where her heart lived however, as although she loved her kids, she really needed more for herself. At the time she first launched The Spader Group, she held the limiting belief that nobody would believe that she was qualified to do it because she thought that people would look at her most recent experience and say that she ran a Daycare.  She was belittling, in her own head, where her experience was lying. Once she got over that and realized that she had actually been running a business for the last three years and she was more than capable of being supportive to other business owners with their finances, bookkeeping and office administration, huge doors opened for her.  Listen in to find out more.   Show highlights:  

  • It’s interesting that women tend to keep perpetuating the beliefs which are their own worst enemies. Shawndel explains how she managed to overcome these limiting ideas that she held about herself.  Two big things happened- one of them was that she decided to step right outside of her comfort zone and she joined a Networking Group. This was terrifying for her at first as she had never before had to go out and promote herself. The women in the group understood and supported her and helped to pull her out of her shell and so she soon realized that she could both speak the speak and walk the walk. The second thing was that she met Ursula very early on, through Tena Pettis, who she really looked up to. Then huge doors opened for her again, through her knowing that she had support and that people believed in her, and through having  Ursula help her to transform those ideas into tangible tools. 
  • Shawndel attended a Sales Camp with Ursula and then four months later, she noticed a huge upswing with her sales, although she hadn’t quite doubled them yet, at that point. Then, a month later, she actually tripled her sales! From there she let go of most of her limiting beliefs and seeing the true, hard numbers, she realized that she was actually playing a whole new ballgame. She realized that with selling, consistency is key and also knowing that she needed to be really clear and focused about what she was going to say, really changed things for her. She became confident about her abilities from that point on.
  • Shawndel’s clarity on what she was offering and on how she could truly help other business owners was huge and it really helped them to see her company’s value. Shawndel became laser focused and clear about what she was selling, so it became easy to explain to clients how they could utilize her company’s services.  
  • Shawndel explains what she did differently and how she managed to close almost all of her sales, right after Sales Camp. She had become intentional and she knew what she was going to say. She knew that what she was offering was exactly what her company could serve. She could verbalize things in a way that was clear to others and it’s hard to catch her off-guard when she’s really clear.
  • The number one limiting belief that Shawndel changed was the “who am I to do this?” belief. She…

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