
Earn Recognition as an Expert in Your Field: Start a Podcast

todayJune 8, 2020 42

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“Mic drop” takes on an entirely new meaning when it comes to the marketing power that a microphone can give you. In fact, when you take the mic as the host of your own podcast, it gives you recognition as an expert in your field.

How so? Well, think about the well-known people and brands familiar to you that have their own podcast, television show, book or publication. These properties automatically elevate them to thought leader status.

Available to Everyone

If you think the process of positioning yourself as a thought leader has to be difficult and slow, think again. Podcasting makes doing so easy and fast. And anyone can do it, from start-ups to organizations that have been established for many years. While landing a TV spot or book deal proves elusive to many people, podcasts make it possible for individuals and brands to share their expertise and knowledge regardless of their current industry status and clout – or lack thereof.

Satisfying ROI

Do not make the mistake of dismissing podcasting because of its ease and nearly instant gratification. It is a powerful platform, with an enormous audience of 65 million people tuning in each month.

When you share your specialized knowledge via podcast, you establish yourself as a reliable resource for your target audience. People want to do business with companies that know their industry and their customers’ pain points inside and out. Working with knowledgeable organizations is reassuring to consumers because they can rest assured that their needs will be met and their concerns will be addressed.

As the host, you have complete control over the content and messaging in your podcast. Better yet, you can leverage the recording of the podcast as a marketing piece for an indeterminate amount of time. In this way, the ROI that you get from it doubles.

Tailor-Made for Audiences

Convenience is another benefit that podcasts offer. People can listen to them while doing just about any activity, from cooking to driving. This is especially helpful if your audience consists of in-demand C-suite executives who do not have a minute of spare time. They can listen to your podcast while simultaneously engaging in work activities.

Additionally, hearing someone’s voice makes consumers more inclined to trust you. The human element comes in here even in business settings. Psychologically, people want to spend their money with brands they trust. This is especially true right now, when many individuals and companies are dealing with the tightest budgets they have faced in years. An audience is more likely to remember, internalize and share a message when they can feel and emphasize with the emotions behind it. Voice communication allows you to express these emotions in a way that written communication simply cannot.

In many ways, podcasts are the perfect marketing platform for establishing yourself or your brand as an expert in your field. They give you a credible way to share your knowledge, control the messaging and reach your audience in a format that is convenient for them.

Written by: #HeliumRadio

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