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    06. Cowgirl Fantasies #HeliumRadio

This week we get real stoned and goof the heck around. Grace asks the group a bunch of “What If” questions, and some are softballs, some are hardballs, and one is just a romantic fantasy about super-hot, commanding cowgirls who take great care of their horses.
Also, Stephani remembered the name of her favorite song about weed and it’s When I Was Drinking by Hem!

Our Slashtag.orgsies:
Grace Penzell (@jace_menzell), Phoebe Richards (@27phoebe27), Kayla Teel (@keteel), and Stephani Thompson (@fannytragic).
Instagram: @stonerchickspodcast
Twitter: @stonerchickspod
Facebook: Stoner Chicks Podcast
Tik Tok: @ouidqueens
Email: [email protected]

Edited by Shary Junco; Theme Song by Jessica DiMari; Cover Art by Ben Redder & AJ Dent

Stoner Chicks Podcast

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