Cosmic Angel 555

11.11 Guided Meditation

todayNovember 10, 2019 1

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    11.11 Guided Meditation #HeliumRadio

In this guided meditation for this amazing 11.11 portal we call on the source dragon to surround us with source light. We then clear & realign our physical ,mental & emotional bodies, chakra system & Elemental body. We then call on our grid of Archangels each one representing a pillar of 11.11, helping to anchor and create a sacred container for us to ascess our own infinite wisdom. Taping into Archangel Sandlephon below to the Crystalline Grid & Earth Star Chakra anchoring in healing, keys codes, downloads. Bringing our chakra system into alignment so we can anchor this into our physical body. Through this pillar connecting to Archangel Metatron receiving our Divine Intelligence. I also assist with my Galatic team & Light language. Love & Light Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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