Quantum Revenue Expansion

27: Becoming a Sales Powerhouse with Angie Weber

todayAugust 21, 2017 2

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    27: Becoming a Sales Powerhouse with Angie Weber #HeliumRadio

Today’s guest is the amazing Angie Weber. After finishing college, at the University of Minnesota, Angie wasn’t sure where she was going to end up, until she was introduced to Tena Pettis, the owner of Tena-cious. She jumped on board at Tena-cious and has never looked back. As a committed and loyal member of the team, Angie has seen Tena-cious grow, from its baby stages to the incredible storehouse of minds that it is today. She’s sometimes known as mini Tena and she remains oblivious to the fact that almost everyone in the office really aspires to be a mini Angie! She has learned more, from watching the business grow from the ground up, about the processes, struggles and successes than she could ever have imagined. Entrepreneurship was never a part of her plans, yet she had the drive and heart and she took Tena-cious on, as if it was her own company. She’s a self-proclaimed Intrapreneur and with her passion for making an impact, she co-founded Hello Life, a natural cosmetics line, giving back to Mental Health awareness. As well as all of this, she’s a wife, mom, friend and daughter. She’s going after some big goals and can’t wait to tackle the challenges ahead, while trying to fit in A Balancing Act, between jobs. She also has a podcast,  on the Balancing Act. Listen in to find out more about Angie and what really drives her.   Show highlights:  

  • After graduating, Angie really didn’t want to get into a ‘big girl job’ just yet, so she worked in a restaurant. She had the mindset that she was eventually going to be in a nine to five and would have to work for the rest of her life, so she had the limiting belief that you had to work really hard, in order to make a good amount of money. She never thought that she would ever be in sales either. She thought that she would have to be sleazy and pushy to be in sales and that people would think that she just wanted their money. Getting into the mindset that sales was actually serving people with sales was really a big thing for her.
  • Coming into a company that she didn’t own for herself, she had little confidence with selling, so Tena told her to just go with her gut, when it first came to naming a price.  That gave her a lot more confidence, for selling. She felt as if she could take ownership and that’s also where her entrepreneurial journey really started. It helped that she felt that she had some say in the business and also about prices. That was super powerful for her. Then, about a year later, she had a moment,  at a Sales Camp, where she looked at Tena’s gold watch and told Tena that she would have to buy her a watch like that when she managed to double her sales. Tena loved the idea and the challenge was on! After more than doubling her sales, she finally figured out that she really could do it! It really takes a lot of work to double your sales in one month, but she got over her initial limiting belief.
  • After she doubled her sales, she believed that she was a great sales person and she was able to hit her goals.
  • The month that she doubled her sales, she was just under $35 000- her goal was $30 000, and she was a little upset that she didn’t quite make the $35 000 mark. She realized that when you’re motivated, you keep trying to stretch yourself.  She changed her intention from focusing on money, to focusing on the number of Strategy Sessions she wanted to help people with, in that month.
  • Angie’s current average closing ratio is at about sixty to seventy percent.
  • She managed to rid herself of her limiting beliefs around money- that people who are rich can be really greedy and shady and also that what she was doing was so easy and second nature to her that it didn’t warrant being paid for. She came to realize that her services really are amazing…

Quantum Revenue Expansion

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