Benja Welldone Comedy Show

#278 – Understanding the Hidden Symbolism in Flag-Raising,

todayOctober 17, 2023 5

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    #278 - Understanding the Hidden Symbolism in Flag-Raising, #HeliumRadio

Join me, Benja Welldone, as I draw you into an insightful dialogue of flag signals.  What might seem like a simple act carries a wealth of meaning, and it’s time we shed some light on it. You might have seen a half-raised flag, an upside-down flag, but do you know the significance behind these positions? Let me share my own experiences and the frustration I’ve felt when I’ve encountered disrespect and ignorance towards these powerful symbols. 

Hang tight as we dive deeper into the conversation, and I express my sentiments about the casual misuse of flag signals. It might shock you to know how often these signs are disregarded due to sheer negligence. But change is possible, and it starts with us. Learn with me, and let’s transform this trend together. We’ll wind down with some personal updates and a hopeful message for the future. Tune in, absorb, and be part of change. Buckle up, it’s going to be an enlightening ride!

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IG: @WARandLaughs / @BenjaWelldone

-*Savages/Self Motivated People
#WarAndLaughs, REPRESENT.

Owner/Creator: @benjawelldone

FB: Benja Welldone
Biz-Email: [email protected]


Benja Welldone Comedy Show

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