Cosmic Angel 555

3rd Eye Chakra Affrimations

todayDecember 29, 2018 8

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    3rd Eye Chakra Affrimations #HeliumRadio

3rd Eye Chakra Affrimations Transmission. Our 3rd eye Chakra is our 6th Chakra. It is located in between our two physical eyes, it is indigo in colour. This chakra is responsible for our intuition, inner Guidance , imagination and self awareness. It is blocked by not seeing the meaning in life & not being greatful for our experiences. This chakra is all about letting go of the ego and embracing our true authentic self. The following Transmission Affrimations will heal and raise 3rd eye Chakra vibration. We can also call on archangel Raphael to help clear our 3rd eye of any intrusions, blocks and help retune. Enjoy beautiful souls. Love Light & Blessings.

Cosmic Angel 555

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