Cosmic Angel 555

Angel Guidance 3rd-8th June 2019

todayJune 3, 2019 3

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    Angel Guidance 3rd-8th June 2019 #HeliumRadio

Angel Guidance 3rd-8th June 2019.

So this week we will have the amazing frequency’s from the new moon in Gemini.

Balance, communication, harmony, speaking our truth and sharing our story. All coming in strong this week and month with Gemini season.

You may feel like your are over thinking and caught up in your thoughts. Again rising above this with positive thoughts, words and actions.

New levels of healing and understanding with support from our Higher Self, Archangels ect.

Balancing the ego, remembering it is safe to be our true authentic self. Reminding ourselves what people think of us is none of our business.
What we think of ourselves is all that matters.

Also detoxifying your mind, body ,soul , life and home this week. Clearing the clutter, releasing anyone and anything that no longer serves our highest good and new chapter.

Also doing things that light us up and that we find rewarding for example re decorating , cleaning .. whatever it may be.

Also you might feel the need to retreat, recharge and regroup bathing yourself in gentle energy.

Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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