Word of Mom Radio

Author and Grief Coach Ryn Gargulinski on The Authors Alley on Word of Mom Radio

todayMay 18, 2023 3

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    Author and Grief Coach Ryn Gargulinski on The Authors Alley on Word of Mom Radio #HeliumRadio

Ryn Gargulinski is a spiritual coach who helps those in mourning reclaim their vibrancy by teaching them how to love again with her grief recovery mastermind. Her mastermind, which combines coaching, meditative journeys and Reiki, is based on her latest book: “How to Get Through Hell on Earth Without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome.” Ryn has two dogs, one happy beau and 23+ years in recovery from alcohol. Join us on the Authors Alley in podcast and connect with Ryn at RynskiGriefReccovery.com and on Facebook, FB Coaching Page, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter,  YouTube and Etsy. Thanks to our sponsors at theBrainLoveHealth.com. Please support UnsilencedVoices.org. We shine the light on No Such Thing as a Bully and thank Smith Sisters and the Sunday Drivers for our theme song, “She is You”. Connect with Word of Mom on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and email us at [email protected] for more info. WordofMomRadio.com – sharing the wisdom of women, in business and in life.  

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