Self Discovery Media Community

BB22-44. Vicki Noethling & Our Message.

todayOctober 24, 2022 4

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    BB22-44. Vicki Noethling & Our Message. #HeliumRadio

I have been coaching and mentoring speakers for over 26 years.  I remember one woman who was speaking to a group of 10 people.  She was shaking and looking like she was going to be ill. Engaging her with simple questions in a conversational tone, allowed her to take her mind off speaking and relax.  Her whole body changed and she actually began to smile.  That is when I knew I had to help others get past the fear of the “speech” and just relax with the fact that it’s just a conversation. So many fail to connect with their audience because they are not being authentic or allowing themselves to be vulnerable. But it is in lowering those walls, that we allow others to connect and our message to be heard.

Self Discovery Media Community

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