Self Discovery Media Community

C24-06. Steven Polomchak Positive Living Awakening. 

todayFebruary 5, 2024 5

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    C24-06. Steven Polomchak Positive Living Awakening.  #HeliumRadio

Our Mission is to Provide “opportunities” Every Day to Bring LIGHT into the LIFESTYLES of People living in a dark world.
Our Vision is; By offering Awareness and Hope the World’s views on their daily lives from what it is and what it could be Will Change!
Our Management Team, Staff and Positive Coaches have a inner Care of and Hope for People. We are focused on giving people the opportunity to add more positive experiences in their daily lives- which will spread out throughout those they connect with to eventually change our country and the world into a Brighter place to live then it is now. WE believe in building and maintaining a positive mindset, Along with identifying Actions – creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant Positive outcomes/ Experiences. When you work with us, you should expect a collaboration with Transparency, Honesty, Trust and Consistency. Want to learn more? Contact Us today for an initial consultation.

Self Discovery Media Community

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