Cosmic Angel 555

Cosmic Guidance 11th-18th Nov 2019

todayNovember 11, 2019

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    Cosmic Guidance 11th-18th Nov 2019 #HeliumRadio

Cosmic Guidance 11th-18th Nov 2019

So beautiful souls powerful energies this week. We start off with this amazing 11.11 portal, helping us to tap in and access our own infinite wisdom. With this influx of light it will also be bringing up any thing that has been buried under the many layers that we are transmuting & integrating.

Don’t think that you are going backwards or your vibration is low, these situations and patterns are coming up because of your growth & expansion.
Also you might feel the need to detox anything harsh from your life and energy field. Some Sacral work coming up this week. We also have a full moon in Taurus on the 12th bringing in values, responsibility and releasing what you no longer value.
Love & Light
Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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