Cosmic Angel 555

Cosmic Guidance 13-20th Apr 2020

todayApril 12, 2020 3

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    Cosmic Guidance 13-20th Apr 2020 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back to some cosmic guidance for the week ahead with myself Hazel Halite. Thank you for bearing with me last week as I worked through some shadow aspects.

The super full moon last week brought up emotions and patterns to the surface that needed to be cleansed to make room for the new energy, new light. We are still working with this energy this week, if you are still working through this staying with the emotions and whatever is coming up and working through instead of repressing or avoiding, helps work through it and bring in new light.
Also please prati8self love and self care this week to help with these waves of energy.

If you have went through most of it you may find you have made room for new light, new ideas, new projects. Now is the time to take the leap and share your gifts talents d abis with the universe.

More in the introduction. Also hope to see you beautiful souls at the energetic healing circle this week.
Love & Light
Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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