Cosmic Angel 555

Cosmic Guidance 16-23rd Dec 2019

todayDecember 16, 2019

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    Cosmic Guidance 16-23rd Dec 2019 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back to another cosmic reading for the week ahead with myself Hazel Halite. Last week’s energy was a mixture of release & creating the new. Breakthroughs & revelations around healing on all levels layers & dimensions.

Start of this week is nice no major shifts still moving from last weeks frequency. We will feel a shift around the end of the week. As the sun moves into the sign of Capricorn and out of the Galatic center.

The sun is a amazing core energy making us come alive, also bringing opportunities of abundance in all its forms. Archangel Jophiel works through the sun with his amazing golden yellow light bringing joy awe & enchantment.

On the 21st we have the start of Capricorn season & it also marks the Solstice. This is a amazing powerful day where the veil between dimensions is thin.

Next week we also have the solar eclipse in Capricorn. More on that next week.

Love & Light
Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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