Cosmic Angel 555

Crystalline Grid Guided Meditation

todayJune 20, 2019 6

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    Crystalline Grid Guided Meditation #HeliumRadio

Crystalline Grid Guided Meditation.

The crystalline grid is the higher vibrational, multidimensional grid of the ascended earth.

It’s the 5D (and higher) grid that receives infinite Divine source and ascension energies. Crystalline, ascension wave energies from the center of the galaxy.

In this guided meditation I call on Archangel Sandlephon. Archangel of the crystalline grid, I also clear, release any lower vibrations, patterns, inprints that you have taken on. In your chakra system, etheric body, mental & emotional bodies, elemental body & physical body. I also call on a full realignment of the bodies with Crystal white fire from the crystalline grid.

Near the end we will venture into your inner temple of light. Connecting with Archangel Sandlephon and your Spirit Guides.

Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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