Brave New Lifeways

EcoSophy: Money, prosperity and Crypto

todayNovember 27, 2021 6

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If everything in Life is simply performing a function with purpose and there is no right or wrong in this universe, how might we then expand and relate to Life, reality, and technological advancements from a contributive standpoint?

Welcome to a fully loaded blast of syntropic relating to the crypto space, money, and how you can make use of the function of all aspects involved for your growth, expansion, and return to greater states of wholeness, freedom and self-sovereignty.

  • If you want to learn more or grow and prosper in this wild and wondrous digital ecology called the crypto blockchain space:

 I am leading a weekly Brave Community conversation on how to educate oneself more to create prosperity during these fast-changing times we are navigating. You can get on the mailinglist for these calls here:

  • If you want to jump right into an opportunity to use your fiat currency to start prosepering you can contact me privately: [email protected]

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Brave New Lifeways

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