History Comes Alive! with Jeff Nichols

Ep. 62: Education In Puritan New England: A Model Beyond Literacy and Memorization: Building an Educated Society

todayDecember 3, 2021 9

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    Ep. 62: Education In Puritan New England: A Model Beyond Literacy and Memorization: Building an Educated Society #HeliumRadio

The topic of education is a HUGE deal, and it has massive implications. What does it mean to be educated? What value does education bring to a society? Does literacy matter? How focused should society be around the education of its young? Many of the aspects of Puritan education have been lost. Their strict and determined process would make many of us uncomfortable today. But their system worked. It created more than just a literate population. It catapulted their small isolated community above their contemporaries. We may dismiss much of the specifics, but we ought to revisit the model. The fundamental question for our generation is: What are we getting out of the system we have today? Is this really the best we can do? How does a society prepare their children when the educational system has lost its vision, its mandate to prepare the next generation to understand the world they live in? Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

History Comes Alive! with Jeff Nichols

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