History Comes Alive! with Jeff Nichols

Ep. 68: Triangular Trade, Pt. 1: The Introduction of Captain William Pierce

todayJanuary 14, 2022 8

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    Ep. 68: Triangular Trade, Pt. 1: The Introduction of Captain William Pierce #HeliumRadio

Puritan New England, more specifically, Massachusetts Bay, never experienced a lack of colonists. Their population exploded almost from the start. What they did experience was a lack of hard currency. Even with all the natural resources and commercial opportunities it took a while to establish a stable economy. With the advent of trade between Boston and the Caribbean the economy took off. Although there were a lot of connections between the Northern colonies and their Southern counterparts, it took the vision and actions of one man to make these connections work for the financial advantage of New England. That man was Captain William Pierce. In this episode we’ll meet Captain Pierce, a most remarkable and influential man who has been largely lost to history. Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

History Comes Alive! with Jeff Nichols

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