The Creative Brew

EPI: 027: Licensing Expo I Alley Art Festival I 3 Tips for Art Vendors

todayJune 11, 2019 4

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    EPI: 027: Licensing Expo I Alley Art Festival I 3 Tips for Art Vendors #HeliumRadio

In this episode, this was actually a previous FB Live recording over the weekend at the Alley Art Festival in Vista, California. In conjunction with the Hill Street Club and Backfence Society.

There is a vibrant art vendor scene that’s here in Vista as well as Oceanside, when I look around at the exhibitions. there’s a lot of great styles of art provided. But when it comes to actually selling your art it could be a whole different matter completely. I’ll give out some suggestions on what any artist vendor could do to better promote themselves. I mix this in with my recent trip to the Licensing Expo and what I learned from there that I plan on implementing in my creative studio as well as sharing with other creatives.

Because all my artists love to create. Question is how can you make that first sale? And these are 3 things i noticed at the Licensing Expo which was more on the business side of art.

Make a great impression

If I’m a customer going through the festival and I walk up to your table how inviting are you? Are you sitting down in your chair away from your artwork or you up in a open and inviting manner allowing others to stop by to see your work.

Is your artwork displayed in a manner that would cause me to stop and look. Even if you can’t make the sale, the potential customer has viewed and experienced your artwork. It’s up to you to build a potential repoire with the customer.

Are there various ways your work could be consumed?

What I mean by this that if you’re a painter and you’re creating all this artwork in the same format, could it be mocked up or seen on a coffee cup, or a postcard, or apparel, shoes or backpacks? Figure out all the ways a customer could view or use your art.

Have a way of connecting with the consumer.

I’ve been to many artists booths and I’ll ask for a business card and they tell me to go to instagram. Many times unless i take a pic of the someone’s instagram handle I may not connect with that artist. So I urge any artist, have your business cards available! Or at the very least have a way of collecting their email to place on a newsletter. From there you can create an audience that is in love with art and willing to support you.

The Creative Brew

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