The Soccer Coaching Podcast

Episode 3 – The Coaching Environment

todayFebruary 7, 2019 5

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    Episode 3 - The Coaching Environment #HeliumRadio

Episode 3 – What is the `coaching environment`… and how important is it?

·         What do we mean by the environment? 

–          Not the weather or physical conditions.

–          It is the combination of Culture, Philosophy, Values, Expectations and Habits.

–          Its the intangibles (and tangibles) that impact on the practical and physical aspects of the session.

·         Is it important to consider these elements and if so why?

–          YES!!! – The environment is the engine that drives behaviour and behaviour drives development/performance and in turn development/performance drives outcomes!

Understanding your environment allows you to…

–          Clear idea of what the team/club is about.

–          Clear idea of what the ambitions of the team/club are.

–          Clear idea of how the team/club will try and meet these ambitions.

–          Provides a clear message to players, parents, coaches and everyone involved or impacted (including the opposition).

–          Help provide consistency.

–          Help to maximise the effectiveness of the sessions. The more you get the environment right the more you amplify the positives in the session. 

·         What makes up the environment?

–          It is a combination of Culture, Philosophy, Values (expectations) and habits.

·         What does each element actually mean and how does it impact on coaching?

–          Culture – This is the ideas, beliefs, behaviours, attitudes and actions that combined together provide a tangible illustration of the group! – What does your culture look like? How would someone outside your team/club describe your culture? Is your culture giving you the best opportunity to be successful?

For us….

Player centred, long term development, focusing on the player and the person and working equally on the character of the person as well as the technical and physical abilities of the player. Its outlined by our philosophy as a club and a team and is underpinned by our values in the hope we create the best habits.

–          Philosophy – This is the defined belief or attitude that SHOULD act as the guiding principle for the behaviour. Essentially its about setting your stall out as to what your overarching approach to what your trying to achieve will be. It should marry-up with your culture and be underpinned by your values.

 For us…

Serious Fun – play with purpose, non-instructional and more to facilitate and question

Maximum touches of the ball


Decision Making/Problem solving

Dominate 1v1 (with and without the ball)

–          Values (expectations) – These are the things that you feel are the most important principles or standards of behaviour. More specific than the philosophy. These will underpin and support your philosophy and do the most to drive behaviour and good habits.

–          Habits – These are routine behaviours that are regularly repeated and tend to occur subconsciously. They can be heavily affected by routine and environment.

`We are what you repeatedly do` – Aristotle

For us…
Its about trying to create an environment where the culture, philosophy and values provide the best possible opportunity to create positive habits.

Environment (culture, philosophy, values)


The Soccer Coaching Podcast

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