Cosmic Angel 555

Full Moon In Sagittarius ♐ 17th June 2019

todayJune 13, 2019 4

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    Full Moon In Sagittarius ♐ 17th June 2019 #HeliumRadio

Full Moon In Sagittarius ♐ 17th June 2019.

So Sagittarius is all about

Believing in yourself, trusting, generosity and having faith.

With this Sagittarius energy it is extreme. It is also a time for us to see things from a higher prospective and take the leap to our next chapter.

The full moon is less potent than the full moons earlier this year. This full moon brings the power of showing our true authentic self. Living in alignment with what lights us up. Releasing judgements of others.

Your energy also might feel a bit up and down or foggy. This is due to integrating the new levels of light, keys, codes , downloads and big shift in frequency.

Just remember to stay grounded and recharge and rest when drawn to.

This full moon as any other time is a powerful time to manifest love and light from our heart & soul to send out to the universe. That is full of darkness.

The smallest candle can light the darkest room.

Love & Light

Cosmic Angel 555

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