Cosmic Angel 555

Guided Meditation { Clearing ~Recharging & Immune Boost

todayMarch 13, 2020 1

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    Guided Meditation { Clearing ~Recharging & Immune Boost #HeliumRadio

In this guided meditation I will be assisting you with my Galactic team to clear – recharge & boost your immune system. I also invoke the assistants of the fire dragon & Iliac fire dragon to help with their magnificent fires to clear, transmute & protect your energy field on all levels layers & dimensions. Dissolving any energy that does not serve. I also call on our circle of Archangels to hold space in this sacred container. Then finally we call upon Archangels Sandlephon, Metatron & Jophiel to bath you in the crystline, christ grids. Jophiel helping your feel your self worth, power. Then filling your field with joy, happiness & peace.
When I finished recording this meditation it was 2222 When the numbers 2222 stands out to you. It is good to think of any dilemmas you are facing; this awareness is your intuition using balanced judgement.

Finally, when you see 2222, it is asking you to consider the duality that resides in all of us. The light and the dark, the positive and the negative, Ying and yang, black and white, day and night.

The idea of coming together as one high vibration, representing partnerships of all kinds, this is what 2222 is trying to show you.

Love & Light Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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