
Homeland Security Show

Homeland Security Show | Episode 12

micJanice KepharttodayJune 25, 2012 6

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    Homeland Security Show | Episode 12 Janice Kephart

Stuxnet and Cyberwarfare Aimed at the United States

Tonight’s show featured Curtis Levinson, NATO’s U.S.-designated cyber security advisor and former head of cybersecurity for one of the biggest communications companies in the world. Levinson provided an in-depth definition of cyberwarfare and described how the Stuxnet attack that destroyed Iranian subterfuges and severely set back Iran’s capability to develop a nuclear weapon “broke into” Iranian computers undetected. We also had an extensive discussion about nation-state cyberwarfare campaigns against the United States, including revelations about what China, Iran, and Russia’s attacks look like, as well as al Qaeda, al Shabaab and even the Mexican drug cartels. As the end goals of each differs, so do the weapons they deploy.

In the Homeland Security Roundup, there was extensive news about al Qaeda, and details pertaining to a Congressional hearing on how Puerto Rico and the Caribbean are becoming an achilles’ heel of vulnerability, with drug imports increased nearly 40 percent for the region in the past four years and very little infrastructure to keep the islands from being used as a base for a terrorist attack against the United States.

Homeland Security Show

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