
Homeland Security Show

Homeland Security Show | Episode 8

micJanice KepharttodayMay 7, 2012 6

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    Homeland Security Show | Episode 8 Janice Kephart

Al Qaeda’s Evolution After Bin Laden and a Primer on Terror Finance

Tonight we took a look overseas at President Obama’s unexpected decision last week to keep US troops in Afghanistan for another 10 years after campaign promises to the contrary, the demise of al Qaeda and rise of more powerful terror organizations in Pakistan, the instability caused by the Arab Spring, and a primer on how terrorists finance their operations.

My guest, Amit Kumar, is currently the counterterrorism fellow at the Center for National Policy in Washington D.C. Dr. Kumar has worked at the United Nations advising on terrorist groups and developing indicators of terrorist financing. Dr. Kumar is currently writing a comprehensive text book on terrorist financing. He’s founded graduate courses on terrorist financing as well and has teaching positions at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and George Mason’s Homeland Security Department in Virginia. Amit’s doctorate is from American University, and his Masters from Nehru University in New Delhi.

Also of note is a blog indicating how insecure our border remains, with empirical evidence from one night in March that includes Border Patrol mapping of a 12 mile swatch of border land in Arizona.

Homeland Security Show

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