
Homeland Security Show

Homeland Security Show | Episode 9

micJanice KepharttodayMay 21, 2012 3

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    Homeland Security Show | Episode 9 Janice Kephart

International Aviation Security: What America and Every Other Country is Getting Wrong about Securing the Skies

After another al Qaeda underwear bomb conspiracy bound for the United States stopped in its final stages, this week’s show focused on international aviation security with an expert in the field and the editor of Aviation Security InternationalPhilip Baum, a magazine devoted to the subject and based in the United Kingdom. Mr. Baum‘s Green Light Ltd. enterprise conducts Hijack Management and Profiling seminars, delivering Train-the–Trainer courses on Disruptive Passenger Management and Restraint, In-flight Security for individual airlines, as well as full-scale Hijack Exercises. During the course of our discussion Mr. Baum talked about why he believes the threat to aviation security will only grow, the value (and poor use) of body scanners, and why American airport security misses the mark. Mr. Baum was more than willing to say what is politically incorrect in the United States, and discuss a common sense aviation security mission unlikely in the U.S. political environment about what really needs to be done to keep our skies safe. Listen in!

Also, I testified on the Hill last week on a bill that would strip away many of the visa interviews for persons coming from China, India and Brazil who collectively represent 700,000 of 11.5 million illegal aliens. I testified that a new law adding to the illegal visa overstay population was not a good idea. I also reminded the Congress that the President has already rolled back visa processing by executive order and thus the bill is unnecessary, and that the 9/11 Commission recommendations emphasized visa interviews as only 2 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were interviewed. You can find the webcast of the hearing and my testimony here.

Homeland Security Show

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