Quantum Revenue Expansion

How to Reset Your Vibe So You Can Attract Different Results | QRE246

todayFebruary 7, 2023 2

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Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling overwhelmed and worried or even relaxed and joyous, the universe seems to give you more of the same?It might seem like a coincidence, but it’s actually a sign of your powerful vibe at work in your life. Your vibe—or energy—is attracting its match in the world around you. So if you want different results than what you’ve been getting, it means it’s time for a vibe reset! Resetting your vibe can help open the doors for better results in all areas of life—from career opportunities and financial stability all the way down to better relationships with loved ones and improved mental clarity .Your vibe is all about the energy that radiates from within and affects how people and the world respond to you. By making small shifts to reset your vibe, you can start attracting different results in life. It takes practice and consistency but the rewards are worth it! As my guest Michael Losier says; “You get what you vibrate,” – so the question becomes; what are you vibrating today?Find out in this week’s episode — who knows what exciting opportunities await just around the corner.Ursula’s Takeaways:

  • Intro (00:00)
  • Bullied As A Kid (5:32)
  • Guest On The Oprah Radio Show (13:48)
  • What Is The Law Of Attraction? (22:39)
  • What Is Stopping Us From Receiving? (28:34)
  • Identify Negative Emotions (40:01)

Our FREE gift for you! The Quantum Revenue Expansion Masterclass: https://www.ursulainc.co/quantum-revenue-expansion/Ready to turn your annual revenue into your monthly revenue? Apply for the 2X Intensive here: https://www.ursulainc.co/apply About Michael LosierMichael Losier (low-zee-eh) , known as the how-to-guy for teaching Law of Attraction, is a best-selling author of the three (3) books: Law of Attraction, Law of Connection, and Your Life’s Purpose.   Law of Attraction has 4 million copies in 37 languages.  Michael caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey, who interviewed him four times on her Soul Series™ radio show on Sirius/XM.  Oprah invited him to have his own show her Oprah & Friends Radio.   He lives in beautiful Victoria, BC, on Canada’s west coast.Connect with Michael LosierWebsite: https://www.michaellosier.com/Facebook: @MichaelLosierFansLinkedIn: @MichaelLosierInstagram: @michael_losier_loa
FREE GIFT: www.MichaelLosier.com/buttons 

About Ursula Mentjes Ursula Mentjes is an award-winning Entrepreneur and Sales Expert. She will transform the way you think about selling so you can reach your revenue goals with less anxiety and less effort! Ursula specializes in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and other performance modalities to help clients double and triple their sales fast.  Honing her skills at an international technical training company, where she began her career in her early twenties, Ursula increased sales by 90% in just one year. Just 5 years later, when the company’s annual revenue was in the tens of millions, Ursula advanced to the position of President at just 27.  Sales guru Brian Tracy endorsed her first book, Selling with Intention, saying, “This powerful, practical book shows you how to connect with customers by fully understanding the sales process from the inside out. It really works!” Ursula is also the author of One Great Goal, Selling with Synchronicity and The Belief Zone, which received the Beverly Hills President’s Choice award.  Her…

Quantum Revenue Expansion

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