Avoid the Maze

Karen Hale_Avoid the Maze with guest Wade Galt_Three Day Weekend_ 9_28_21Podmatch

todaySeptember 28, 2021 5

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    Karen Hale_Avoid the Maze with guest Wade Galt_Three Day Weekend_ 9_28_21Podmatch #HeliumRadio

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Today Wade Galt (Podmatch.com) shares his views on Happiness, Abundance, and Freedom which may translate into the 3 day weekend. The conversation was direct and simple and we all can benefit from learning how to be advocates for what we need, not just what we want. We all have our own journey in life that often includes a job/career/a method of earning a living. We all have different choices to make except for one, finding the moments of happiness and creating a life that sustains us (and our family.) Listen and visit his website as you too may find the opportunities that are challenging to you at the moment. https://www.wadegalt.com/

Avoid the Maze

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