Cosmic Angel 555

My Contact Experience (Ce5)

todayFebruary 7, 2021 4

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    My Contact Experience (Ce5) #HeliumRadio

My Contact Experience on Wednesday Feb 5 2021. Today and the last few days I have been drawn to go to 2 certain locations. I went to one today also setting the intention of receiving a sign from my galactic teams. I work with them the last few years telepathically and interdimensionally.

But today I got a physical form of contact in the form of a beautiful being of light. I didn’t see this till I got home and was looking at the videos I took. But I could feel the beings presence and energy when I was there.

When I looked back at my videos, I was so greatful, at first I thought it was the light. But the direction the being of light came from was from the sky and sea, also none of the other lights moved. I took screenshots of the video when I slowed it down.

20 seconds in you see the being of light.

Location Dublin, Ireland. The more I dove into it I recived the answer that it was indeed my Arcturian/Zeta Hybrid children sending me a message. Also when I listened back over my channeling session with Daniel Scranton & the Arcturian Council, they said I would be preparing for phiscal contact.

Cosmic Angel 555

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