Cosmic Angel 555

New Moon In Capricorn♑ 11-17th January 2021

todayJanuary 10, 2021 1

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    New Moon In Capricorn♑ 11-17th January 2021 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back beautiful souls. Kicking us off this week we have a New Moon In Capricorn ♑ on the 12/13th.

There are many layers to this new moon.

It may stir up some emotions & memorys from last year, but remember that is to see how far you have come and how much you have grown.

We are still integrating and adjusting to the new frequencies. This new moon is a first major integration pionts.

Other planted that are active this week around this new moon are, Uranus – planet of awakening & Eirs – Mars also Black moon lilith.

More in the introduction.

Love & Light
Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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