Cosmic Angel 555

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius ♐ 14-21st Dec 2020

todayDecember 13, 2020 4

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    New Moon Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius ♐ 14-21st Dec 2020 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back beautiful souls. This week on the 14/15th we have a New Moon total Eclipse Sag. Total eclipses are like new moons ×1000.

Our thoughts and the thoughts of the collective are magnified around this new moon & Mercury is also pretty active around this time. This is amplifying the energy around our thoughts of Manifesting.

How can you monitor and observe your thoughts & inner conversations this week?

On the 15th of Dec we have Chiron the wounded healer going direct, bringing in some forward movement but also bringing up past hurts to find and acknowledge our strengths we have gained through them. Chiron us also in Aries so this is adding strength and warrior energy.

On thev18/19th we have the sun aligning with the Galatic center, this is a high frequency portal.

Also Dec 21st we have pluto & Saturn conjunction, this is a new portal of fresh energy and new starts. More about this next week. You may start to feel this coming towards the end of the week.

Love & Light
Hazel Halite

Cosmic Angel 555

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