
Our Stories Redefined

todayFebruary 21, 2023 6

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    Our Stories Redefined #HeliumRadio

My guest is Micha Cooper Edwards. She is the founder and CEO of Soleil Space and Soleil Entertainment. At her core, Micha is a visionary media entrepreneur—her expertise span over 15 years in media and across many markets. Micha has led international campaigns for iconic brands like NIKE, Jordan, and PepsiCo, as well as social impact efforts and corporate partnerships for Netflix and HBO documentaries. As an independent producer in Hollywood and a native of Trinidad and Tobago, Micha felt the weight of underrepresentation, and that’s how Soleil came about. We spoke about representation, why Micha prefers to use the term transculutralism instead of multiculturalism, and what lies ahead.  Please share the love and leave us a review to help more people find us! Host & Executive Producer: Saadia Khan I Content Writer: Yudi Liu & Saadia Khan I Editorial Review: Shei Yu  I Sound Designer & Editor: Haziq Ahmad Farid I Immigrantly Theme Music: Evan Ray Suzuki I Other Music: Epidemic Sounds  


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