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    Pets and the Afterlife #HeliumRadio

This is a hard topic for me to cover, but I felt it was worth doing to help give an insight as to what happens. There’s a lot to unpick with what happens to pets after death which makes this podcast a glimpse as opposed to an explanation of what their lives are like after they leave their bodies. 
I talk about what happens to pets at death, the confusion of transition and how it doesn’t last, why they don’t resent humans for euthanasia, and a couple of personal stories of my last cat. 
I point this out in the audio, but I’ll mention it again that I’ve only had cats throughout my adult life. I’ve worked with horses, known other people’s dogs, but I’m cat-centric because that’s what I’ve had the most. However, the stuff cats experience is universal to all animals. All pets are individuals and you know your pet best. My goal is to give you an idea of what goes on and to breathe easy, you will reunite with your pets when it’s your time to go home.

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