Cosmic Angel 555

Pleadies Portal & Gemini Season ♊ 17-24th May 2021

todayMay 17, 2021 2

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    Pleadies Portal & Gemini Season ♊ 17-24th May 2021 #HeliumRadio

Welcome back beautiful souls. Last week we had the new moon in Taurus and Jupiter in Pisces ♓

This may have brought up some emotions from the past & heightened intuition & synchronistys.

You may be receiving downloads, other ascension symptoms right now, lucid dreaming, heightened sensitively to energy, casual chakra expansion.

This week we also have Mecury slowing down getting ready for retrograde, this is guiding us to reflect.

This week we also have the amazing Pleadies portal on the 20/21st but we will feel this from the 16-24th of May. Amazing time for heart expansion. Tuning into the Pleiadians receiving downloads, upgrades and messages.

Moving out of the mind and in to the heart. Also bringing them into alignment and balance.

We also are moving into Gemini ♊ season this week. Represents the twins of the mortal and immortal the physical and spiritual.

This week will be busy as we prepare for quatom leaps and jumps to our next state if expansion. Moving into Eclipse season.

Namaste Hazel

Cosmic Angel 555

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