Healthy Women Warriors

Recognizing and Recovering from Burnout

todayMarch 8, 2024 2

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Bet you thought I forgot about you…NEVER!  I am back better than ever and appreciate everyone’s support. I didn’t feel like me and when I took a closer look I knew I was facing burnout.  I was growing this gratifying business, trying to pass a qualification, AND working my job.  Something had to give and it wasn’t easy to make the decision to step back temporarily. 

But when I started to truly miss helping others in their health journey…I knew I had taken enough time off and was ready to jump back into the swing of things.  I learned so much in my short hiatus.  I have an action plan in place to prevent burnout so I wanted to share some insights from my break.  Adjusting goals may happen due to a little break but the mental sanity and your health are worth it! I allowed myself to say no to things, to rest, to focus on self care for me!  Thank you again for your support and I am looking forward to getting back to our regular weekly schedule!

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