
Social Media Business Hour

Social Media Business Hour | Episode 113 featuring Mimika Cooney

micNile Nickel & Jordan SalamonetodayNovember 16, 2015 2

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    Social Media Business Hour | Episode 113 featuring Mimika Cooney Nile Nickel & Jordan Salamone

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South African born Mimika Cooney is an international award winning photographer, TV Host, published author, speaker and business branding, video and marketing expert. Mimika has run four successful businesses in three countries. She is the host of MimikaTV, a web show that inspires passionate entrepreneurs to build a business around doing what they love.

Mimika has been an award-winning photographer for 12 years in two countries, she has authored two books on the business of photography, is a public speaker, and has experience as a live television broadcaster. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA; Mimika’s passion is helping entrepreneurs attract their perfect clients and build a brilliant business brand.

As a digital marketing, branding and video specialist; Mimika teaches her signature courses and offers executive coaching on branding, online marketing and video skills.

If You Think That Branding Is All About Your Company Logo And Name, Then Mimika Cooney Will Tell You – That You Have It All WRONG.

When someone asks you about branding, what exactly comes to mind? As an entrepreneur, do you really know what branding is? And, why is it so important to your business?  If you think that branding is all just about your company logo and having a catchy name or tagline — then Mimika will tell you that you have it all WRONG.

Mimika says in this interview, that branding goes way past a logo…and it is not about having an appealing organization name. She advises us that when you’re thinking about your company  image, you have to consider the whole client experience. That is everything from your logo, to your site, your online networking encounters, the way you answer clients questions over telephone, email and even clients visiting your office and the way they encounter your staff.

When you take a look at the expansive meaning of branding, it can be overpowering to consider what is included in your brand. To put it plainly, your brand is the way your client sees you. A decent brand doesn’t simply just happen.

It is a well thought out, heavily considered and deliberately arranged experience.

How Should “Branding” Be Defined Exactly?

Many small organizations and start-ups neglect spending the necessary time to intellectually think about their brand in a broader sense and the impact it will have on their business. Mimika tells us that branding is very important as it represents you and your company, especially with the following aspects:

  • How you walk
  • How you talk
  • How your website looks.
  • How you engage and give your support to your prospects.
  • How you introduce and behave publicly.
  • How you treat your customers.  (Does you company have a really good turnaround time or do you make people wait to hear from you?)
  • How you think of yourself as the brand ambassador of your business.
  • How you make an emotional connection with someone – even without meeting them in person.
  • How your products and services provide a good experience for your customers or subscribers.


Mimika’s Four Proven Tips About Having A Successful Brand For Your Company.

The best branding is always built on a strong idea. An idea that you and your staff can hold onto, can commit to, and can deliver upon. Your brand needs to permeate your entire organization. When your organization is clear on the brand and can deliver on the promise of the brand, you will see tremendous results while building brand loyalty with your customer base.

Below are Mimika’s Four Proven Tips On How You Can Elevate Your Brand To The Next Level.

  1. Develop Your Story

    Mimika’s “Spot On” advice includes developing your story. She says, it always starts with, knowing yourself first. It is essential that you know who you are, your history, your triumphs and failures, your skills and expertise, etc. If you don’t consider who you are first, then building a consistent and powerful brand will be almost impossible.

If you don’t know who you are and what you stand for, then people won’t genuinely connect with you. Mimika says, your story, skills and experiences can be used to find great connections with prospects and customers.  Especially with people who have been through similar circumstances as you. Creating an instant connection with your prospects and customers a great way of elevating your brand…and often absolutely necessary to create a connection.

  1. Create A Video.

    Branding your products through emails is good. It is a very good way of warming up your customers about how amazing you and your products/services are. However, all of the important messages that you are trying to communicate through emails can actually be combined in one, well-done video. Be comfortable sharing your story and telling people the parts of your story that relates to your product or services. Being comfortable in sharing your story is a vital component of connecting effectively.

  1. Know Your Customers.

    Taking the time to understand who your clients are will make your business more successful because there is no point of giving information to prospects and customers that do not relate to them. Knowing your audience puts you in a terrific position to get their attention. Understanding the demographics of your clients allows you to better market your business to them. This will establish a strong business/client relationship and creates an environment of trust and comfort for mutual success. Always bear in mind that

    “People will always do business with people they Know, Like and Trust”
  1. Create A Good Strategy

    Mimika shares some of the ways she creates a terrific strategy in this interview.  She calls her time-proven strategy “reverse engineering”.

It is because she knows and following her client’s and their background before figuring out a working strategy that will bring her clients to where they want to be.

Biz in a box

Why Is “Branding” Absolutely Critical For Your Business Success?

Mimika tells us that your brand should reside within the hearts and minds of your customers, clients, and prospects. Always remember that branding is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot.

Having a strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It’s vital that you spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand. After all, your brand is the source of promise to your consumer. It’s a foundational piece of your marketing communication and one aspect of your business that you do not want to be without.


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Twitter Handle: @mimikacooney

Social Media Business Hour

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