
Social Media Business Hour

Social Media Business Hour | Episode 125 featuring AJ Amyx

micNile Nickel & Jordan SalamonetodayFebruary 22, 2016 6

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    Social Media Business Hour | Episode 125 featuring AJ Amyx Nile Nickel & Jordan Salamone

1.smbh-AJ Amyx


He is the #TwitterRockstar. AJ rocks when it comes Twitter Marketing for business. He teaches business executives, small business owners and marketing professionals how to use Twitter to market their business online to generate more leads and make more money.

AJ is the creator of the online course Tweet Like a Rockstar, the author of the upcoming book, the Movement Marketing Manifesto and host of AMYX TV. Some people say he’s a business coach, smart marketer, consultant, brother and free spirit.

At his core, he just wants to help people create a business and life they love and make a difference in the world – since that is what he does every day.

How To Tweet Like A Rock Star In 140 Characters

In this age of technology, everything is moving toward the Internet. Reading newspapers has turned to blogging, and blogging has turned to microblogging. One of the most famous microblogging websites is Twitter and it doubles as a form of social networking. When a person blogs, they can insert visible pictures and videos.

They can also type as many words as they want. There is no limit. However, Twitter has a limit and it’s 140 characters.

You might think this is inconvenient because you have to click a link and go to a separate web page to see pictures or videos but just consider this: Twitter has a limit so there is not a lot of searching involved. People post their juiciest information right there in 140 characters and you get to choose whether or not you want to see more.

Though it is still unclear as to “when” or “how much more”, Twitter plans to go beyond its 140 character limit to allow sharing longer tweets and attract more users.  However, there is a great argument for sticking to 140 characters.

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  • Increase your ability to communicate directly as you really need to be straight to the point.
  • You should to speak in sound bites, condense your ideas, shorten your words and really get at the point you’re trying to make.
  • It will force you to think about what you’re going to say and get at the heart of the matter, rather than writing two or three paragraphs before you get to the point.

How do you learn to tweet in 140 characters? Try this, tweet like you’re sending a quick “straight to the point” text message to a friend.

“A business without Twitter is like an airplane without wings”
– Aj Amyx -

How To Use Twitter As A Testing Ground For Engagement

Twitter is a beautiful place to start your testing.  Testing your messages, your ideas and your audience to see what they respond to.

It’s such a shame that so many people make the mistake of putting all of their time and energy into creating amazing content.  They spend their time building content with podcasts, written word on a blog or creating videos on YouTube and then, when that valuable content has been created, they promote these activities in just one tweet and that’s it.  Instead, you should consider using Twitter a testing ground, finding out what’s working and what’s not.  What people respond to and what they don’t.

Once you’ve figured out what’s working, you should continue tweeting that for the next two, three, even four weeks or sometimes months.  You might continue on even for years as long as it’s relevant content.  As long as it keeps working, getting you the results you’re looking for, then you should keep tweeting.

Use tweets that captures attention. Tweets that pull your followers into your website and landing pages. Use the test results to increase your engagement and use Twitter as the best way to connect with an individual or entire audience.  Build some rapport with them and then direct them to the next step you want them to take, which may be email, phone call, Facebook, blog post, etc.

“If your business has been around for a long time, 
then you must be doing something right.  
Why not let others glean from your knowledge and experience?  
Give everyone an opportunity to learn from you.” 
– Aj Amyx 

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Use Twitter To Create An Unfair Advantage For Yourself

Twitter has a handful of potential advantages just waiting for you to use.

  • PROFILE PICTURE – Do not use a logo. Remember, people want to connect with some one.
    If you run a company and you have a logo, before using your company logo figure out if what your goals are as they relate to Twitter.  Do you want to have your Twitter profile picture be a logo for customer service?  If your goal is to promote content, then find somebody who will be the face of your company if it’s not you.
“People want to connect with people”
-AJ Amyx_
  • Be willing to have a personal profile picture in Twitter. It increases your click through rate and also increases your ability to gain new targeted followers. Like in any other social media channel, people will always look at your headshot first.  They will almost always look at your eyes to judge for themselves, if rapport and a connection can be built with you.
  • ROCKING BIOGRAPHY WITH A POWER STATEMENT – Rock your bio by giving out three to four years information of your past (personal, business or both). Have a call to action:  Including a power statement about how you can help and about the results you can offer them. Include a link leading to your landing page, an opt-in offer or a lead magnet congruent with your power statement.  It’s important to allow people to give you their information to connect with you.
  • COVER PHOTO – Twitter will tell you to design a cover photo 1500×500 pixels. Do not follow this advice, unless it’s alright with you to have a blurry, pixilated image that makes you look like an amateur. Design your cover photo with a plan.  Make it 3000 (W) x1000 (H) pixels, since your cover photo should scream you or your company.  Treat it like a virtual billboard that promotes you, your position and your business.
  • DICTATE YOUR TWEETS – Try this one: Create a spreadsheet for scheduling your tweets. This could include tweets that link to your blog posts, sharing third party content, retweeting leaders in your industry, sharing statistics, inspirational thoughts and even videos or images. Just make sure to be mindful of what is the stance you’re taking on each tweet.  Schedule them at least nine times a day.
  • PLAY THE “FOLLOW GAME”– Identify at least 5 authors, speakers and thought leaders within your industry. If these influencers have a product or service similar to yours and they already have people following them, then it’s more likely their followers might also like what you offer. Set a time, 15 minutes a day, four days a week and search for these leaders.  Follow them, introduce yourself and let them see you are a person with similar objectives as their goals.  They are more likely to follow you back and before you know it, your network will start really taking off.

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Biggest Twitter Mistake You Don’t Want To Make

Sometimes the best way to learn what to do is to learn what not to do. If your goal is to rock your company’s tweets every day, Twitter can help you.  Just don’t find yourself trending for the wrong reasons.  Tweet smart and avoid the following:

  • Saying “Thanks for Following” as a response when someone followed you or followed you back.
  • Responding to “Thanks for following” by saying “You’re Welcome”

Just a piece of advice, rather than using these default responses, start a great conversation and learn a little bit more about the person who followed you (or you followed back).  Grab the opportunity to have an epic conversation with great people.

  • Avoid basic marketing stuff on your biography like using random information, words and hashtags. That type of generic stuff doesn’t offer any details about who you are and why they should follow you, your goal should be to get people want to know more about you.
“A Personal connection is a huge factor for people
Most business owners are busy figuring out how to mass communicate
while forgetting about how important a personal relationship is” 
– AJ Amyx -

3 Big Secrets For Standing Out Online

Can your followers distinguish you from the competition? When you post content to social networks, are you easily identifiable? Whether you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, finding your voice online can feel overwhelming sometimes.

  • Know yourself and your market – Know what you stand for and allow your content, tweets and posts to revolve around it. Aim for consistency and run your social media system like a machine.
  • Systematize everything – Once you have a working strategy, stick to it.
  • Get back to basics – Engage with your audience by having real conversations. Make that impression great impression.





Social Media Business Hour

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