The Virtual Campfire

The Art Of Slow Looking: Revolutionize Your Museum Visits And Personal Connections With Claire Bown

todayJuly 31, 2023 5

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    The Art Of Slow Looking: Revolutionize Your Museum Visits And Personal Connections With Claire Bown #HeliumRadio

Through the art of slow looking, we unveil a world of hidden wonders, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the familiar reveals its secrets. It is a journey that transforms our perception, fuels our curiosity, and invites us to connect deeply with art and culture. In this episode, special guest Claire Bown takes us to the world of “slow looking at art” and explores the transformative power of the “Visible Thinking in the Museum” approach. She discusses how individuals can enhance their experience with art and culture, pulling insights from her upcoming book, “Slow Looking at Art: The Visible Thinking in the Museum Approach.” Tune in and uncover the secrets to developing a deeper connection with art, honing your observation skills, and fostering meaningful interactions in museum settings. Prepare to see the world of art in a whole new light! 
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The Virtual Campfire

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