
Healthcare Confidential Podcast

The Healthcare Confidential Podcast | Episode 30 “Turning Rants into Raves with Randi Busse”

micTheresa Jacobellis |todayJanuary 10, 2021 9

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    The Healthcare Confidential Podcast | Episode 30 "Turning Rants into Raves with Randi Busse" Theresa Jacobellis |



If you’ve ever considered hiring a marketer to help your business or medical practice increase market share, build volume or grow revenue, there’s one vitally important area you need to focus on before making that investment. Are you and your staff providing excellent customer service? If the answer is anything other than a resounding “yes,” then that is where you should focus your resources first.

This week’s guest is Randi Busse, President of Workforce Development Group. She has been helping clients delight their customers for more than 25 years. Her programs help employees to “think like an owner, not a renter,” yielding rave reviews from her clients, because the culture of their organizations change and their customers rave about them. She’s co-author of the book, “Turning Rants Into Raves: Turn Your Customers On Before They Turn On YOU!” written for CEOs, business owners and managers that want to improve the experience they are providing to their customers.

The Take-Away: Patients have options, and if your practice does not provide excellent customer service, your patients will find another provider. Randi says it makes sense for you to focus on building a culture of customer service, one that has the full support and buy-in from your senior leadership and holds employees accountable, because keeping the patients you already have is just as important as attracting new ones.

Learn more: Learn more about Randi’s business by visiting or call her at 631-598-5598. Not sure if your practice needs help with its patient encounters? One of the services she provides is “secret shopper” calls to provide you with insights into the ways your patients perceive the non-clinical treatment they get from your staff.

Healthcare Confidential Podcast

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