
Healthcare Confidential Podcast

The Healthcare Confidential Podcast | Episode 34 “Pharmacogenomics with Dr. Howard McLeod”

micTheresa Jacobellis |todayFebruary 7, 2021 11

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    The Healthcare Confidential Podcast | Episode 34 "Pharmacogenomics with Dr. Howard McLeod" Theresa Jacobellis |



In the United States, medication errors are responsible for more than 100,000 deaths (some people believe that number may be much higher) and hundreds of billions of dollars in healthcare costs each year. But there is a powerful tool that may help patients and healthcare providers avoid many of these mishaps. Pharmacogenomics allows individuals and their doctors to understand how their specific genetic profile may influence the way they metabolize therapeutic agents. Our guest, Dr. Howard McLeod is a recognized expert in precision medicine. Along with his role as Chief Medical Officer and President at Pharmazam LLC, a company that helps bring individualized medical management to the masses, Dr. McLeod also holds academic roles as Medical Director for Precision Medicine at the Geriatric Oncology Consortium and as Professor at the University of South Florida Taneja College of Pharmacy. Dr. McLeod was a recent member of both the FDA committee on Clinical Pharmacology and the NIH Human Genome Advisory Council. He has also published more than 575 peer-reviewed papers on pharmacogenomics, applied therapeutics, or clinical pharmacology.

The Take-Away: Pharmacogenomics is a proactive tool that can enable patients and providers to anticipate potential drug interactions, help with selecting the most appropriate medication and dose, and save lives.

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