Co Hosted Series

Toni TV featuring Stop Being Busy 3 Must Dos to Increase Productivity Sabrina Runbeck

todayMay 29, 2023 5

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Sabrina Runbeck
In our “always-on” culture, stress, depression, and anxiety are, unfortunately, part of the modern human condition. 83% of the US workers suffer from work-related stress. It is causing one million workers to miss work every day. Physical and mental exhaustion leads to more mistakes from slower reaction time, unable to pay attention to details, and being easily frustrated with others. Can you afford to lose 5.6 hours per week? The good news is, that busy business owners, like you, can live and function in your Desire zone instead of the Distraction, Disinterest, or Discouragement zone. Join us in this interactive workshop to create endless momentum, ditch willpower, and boost mental immunity so you can enjoy a double win in your career and life.

Receive support from influential and highly connected business leaders, helping you develop the strategies to pursue your passions and purpose, and dramatically increase your success. Connect with global business mentors and world-class business strategists, dedicated to helping you accelerate your success! You’ll receive inspiration, insight and knowledge from global thought-leaders and expert guest lecturers focused on providing actionable ideas and key resources that can impact your success today! Discover exciting new opportunities that will prepare you to respond to the myriad of challenges and opportunities in business while broadening your sphere of influence and growing your leadership. Raise your level of visibility and expand your thought-leadership through our myriad of global platforms and influential connections. Website: Twitter: Instagram:… LinkedIn:… Facebook:…

Co Hosted Series

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